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go-logsink web

Start a server instance with a web interface


Use web to start a web server. Navigate with your favorite browser to localhost:8080 ( change the binding definition ) to see the logs in your browser.

go-logsink web –serve “:80” –bind “:50051”

go-logsink web


  -b, --bind string    Provide bind definition (default ":50051")
      --break uint32   Set this to the column # to break at
  -l, --limit int32    Limit number of visible lines
  -s, --serve string   Provide bind definition (default ":8080")

Options inherited from parent commands

      --config string     config file (default is $HOME/.go-logsink.yaml)
      --lockfile string   Specify a lockfile


Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 7-Feb-2017